While we remain flexible to the needs of each and every child, we do follow a schedule of routines each day as follows. Our daily routine is also designed to include many children led as well as teacher directed activities. Our teachers will build in transitions which are centered around large group, small group and independent activities.
Arrival- Parents will meet the teachers at a designated door before the start of class. The teacher will unlock the door and the parents will sign in their child. The second teacher will escort the class to the hallway where students will learn to independently hang up their coats, backpacks and sort their snack and folders. The teacher will lock the door when the students have arrived. Doors will remain locked throughout the day.
Free Play/ Morning Activities: This is how the children start their day with us. Each class has specific age-appropriate routines and tasks that are built into their arrival time. Once these tasks are completed, they may choose anything they want from table top games, to blocks, books, housekeeping, dress ups, etc. This is an opportunity for free expression, choice, and decision making as well as socialization. Typically, this takes place for the first 30 minutes of their day. Once they hear the bell ring, they will learn that means it is clean up time and then circle time.
Circle Time: This is when the children come together for large group instruction. We greet each other, say our morning/afternoon prayer, sing songs, learn about the calendar, the days, the weather, finger plays, read storied and learn the Pledge. The children will also discuss and learn the new day's theme and activity. Follow-up tasks are presented and modeled and then children are guided to their next activity. Circle time increases in length as the children learn to sit and listen for longer periods of time.
Center Time: The centers are designed to reinforce the daily theme in the way of science, math, social studies pretend play, writing and art activities to expand on their concepts and skills. Centers are updated and change frequently to reflect what the child is learning.
Bathroom Break: Bathroom breaks are, of course, permitted on an as needed basis. But there is one group break which occurs before snack time where the children line up behind their line leader and caboose and walk down the hall to the bathrooms. During all bathroom breaks, children are escorted by the teacher, assistant, or director and are never alone. Note, you will be contacted if there should be any bathroom accidents during school hours. You can either bring clothes to change your child and leave them to complete their day or take them home with you.
Snack Time: A snack time will be enjoyed by your child each and every day unless it is a delayed opening or early dismissal day. This is a time for your child to take a break and socialize with their friends. However, this is designed as a short SNACK time, not a meal time. Please keep your snacks and drinks healthy, small and simple. Do not send in any milk or milk products as your child's snack remains in their cubby and not in a refrigerator. We will keep you posted as to when we are celebrating a birthday snack which is when you do not need to send in a snack for your child as it will be provided for the whole class by the Birthday Child. We will also advise our parents as to any food allergies in our program.
DEAR: Drop Everything and Read - or book and belly time. This is a time when the children choose their own book and and sit or lay down and read/look at it.
Gross Motor: Children are engaged in gross motor development play activities during either indoor or outdoor activity time daily as well as during their regularly scheduled gym day. Please dress your child accordingly as we will go out on the playground every day possible.
Story Time: Children will listen to a story, participate in the reading or retelling of a story, sing songs, learn and repeat finger plays daily. Additionally, the library lady visits each class monthly for a very special story time.
Theme Discussions/Recall: This is the time at the end of the day when students and teachers review the day's learning and activities and assess how the day has gone and prepare for dismissal.
Specials- There is always something going on at school! Whether it is a visit from our Library lady, a parent reader, tab lab, music class, chapel or gym class, the kids have many opportunities to practice being flexible with their routines.
Dismissal- Parents will line up outside of the door where they dropped of their child. The teacher will give a brief update about the day. The students will be lined up in the hallway with a teacher and the other teacher will dismiss each student when they see the parent or the individual picking them up.